Let us assume that the signal with spectrum X(n) is to be downsampled by an integer factor D. The spectrum X(w) is assumed to be nonzero in the frequency interval 0<= w <=pi or equivalently. |F|=Fx/2. We know that if we reduce the sampling rate simply by selecting every Dth value of x(n), the resulting signal will be an aliased version of x(n), with a folding frequency of Fx/2D.
To avoid aliasing. we must first reduce the bandwidth of x(n) to Fmax =Fx/2D or equivalently, to wmax=pi/D.Then we may downsample by D and thus avoid aliasing Hence in the decimation process. The input sequence x(n) is passed through a low pass filter, characterized by the impulse response h(n) and a frequency response Hd(w), which ideally satisfies the condition
Hd(w) = 1 , |w| = pi/D
= 0 , otherwise
Thus the filter eliminates the spectrum of X(w) in the range pi/D < w < pi. Of course, the implication is that only the frequency components of x(n) in the range |w| <= pi/D are of interest in further processing of the signal.
Decimation can be regarded as the discrete-time counterpart of sampling. Whereas in sampling we start with a continuous-time signal x(t) and convert it into a sequence of samples x[n], in decimation we start with a discrete-time signal x[n] and convert it into another discrete-time signal y[n], which consists of sub-samples of x[n]. Thus, the formal definition of M-fold decimation, or down-sampling, is defined by Equation . In decimation, the sampling rate is reduced from Fs to Fs/M by discarding M - 1 samples for every M samples in the original sequence.
y[n] = v[nM] = ∑k=-∞∞ h[k]x[nM-k]

The block diagram notation of the decimation process is depicted in Figure 9.1. An anti-aliasing digital filter precedes the down-sampler to prevent aliasing from occurring, due to the lower sampling rate. here we will discuss the concept of 3-fold decimation i.e. M = 3. Here, the samples of x[n] corresponding to n = …, -2, 1, 4,… and n = …, -1, 2, 5,… are lost in the decimation process. In general, the samples of x[n] corresponding to n ≠ kM, where k is an integer, are discarded in M-fold decimation. In Figure , it shows samples of the decimated signal y[n] spaced three times wider than the samples of x[n]. This is not a coincidence. In real time, the decimated signal appears at a slower rate than that of the original signal by a factor of M. If the sampling frequency of x[n] is Fs, then that of y[n] is Fs/M.
Let us consider the following example of decimation with anti aliasing filter and a frequency of 6khz with a down sampe of 3 is shown below.and let us consider, the input is x(n) and after passing through anti-aliaing filter,The output is w(n) and after downsampling with m = 3 the output is y(m).